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Saturday, November 07, 2009

finally got my beret. =) after my 2 months of special AIT(Advance Infantry Training) all the shit work and tough training. it's like finally. well. got injured as usual. but it's okay.

was just having this thought. should i try again. give myself a chance to accept a new relationship? not very sure about it but i am afraid same thing will happen again.

so should i?

9:19 pm

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

it's been quite long since i last updated some interesting personal life?

well not much changes.

but still there's changes in my whole damn life. LOL.

alright, i've been so 'luckily' picked by NS to the 3rd guards!!!
which means, 2nd highest unit in the army?
and this means alot of damn siong training for me.
which i know i cant take it.
but who to blame? LOL.
didnt know why when i purposly failed my nafa test and yet i got chosen into so the very tough unit!!!
but still, i am going botak soon. hahaha.
while friends around me have been telling me they're enlisted into those
very very very relax unit.
like alex going navy!!! which was like damn ass good.
jordan and seng hong going civil defence which make me gonna blow up soon.
aaron goiing to police unit!!! WTF!!!
am i the only suay one???
all the shit work will be 'done' by guardsman!!!!!!!
LOL la!!!

alright, dad got me a car and i changed most of the important parts.
it's an old car anyway.
dad say since i am going ns, no use buying new car and no one driving it.
so well it's true.
but after NS, dad promise a new car for me. so back to the usual one.
either subaru, honda or dont really know which car.
and i told some friend,
before 30, i will 'zeng' my car no matter wad.
after 30, it's time to go for toyota or some family car.
LOL. i guess age do matter. hahahaha
as least i got a car to drive me and mojo around!!!
who's mojo???

oh ya, he's our new member in our family!!!
hahaha thanks to leyi, he joined my family on 1st of may,
gonna post some of his photo up.
and mojo's a dog.
very very cute dog.
he listen to me and dad command only.

well after ns, not sure am i still going to continue study or work?
even after i got into poly with my tat lousy result.
i am thinking of finishing my study ASAP after my NS.
been considering SIM or MDIS.
it's fast and not a bad school after all.

there's lot of question marks in my brain now.
i dont really know wad to do after NS.
alot of friend and even my cousin told me to finish my NS before thinking about all these B*ll Shit.

alright, it's 2.25am now, going to simpang bedok and watch SOCCER MATCH!!!

MAN U will win after all.
why? simple.
last year, MAN U trash chelsea like shit.
this year, MAN U lost to liverpool and it's becos their players are tired!!!
so still, MAN U gonna make a history for themselves again!!! LOL

and chelsea will lose like shit again tomoro.

2:12 am

Thursday, April 16, 2009


anyway, i got my enlistment letter. damnn
gonna be botak soon.

alright, gonna drive and fetch my mother now.
see ya.

2:35 pm

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

okay here's some update of my 'wonderful' life.

MONEY $$$.
i had enough of all these nonsense.
i didn't gamble. i don't gamble on soccer or 4D.
yet i got to fork out around 1k to pay for it.
what the fuck is this?

kenny and alan, for fuck sake.
return me the money. if not, like wad my cousin say,
call the police and this is the best way.
i still got those smses, bank stalement and other stuff to prove both fucker
borrow more than 800 from me. damn u
i, myself still need to pay jocelyn the sum of money u lent it from her.
kenny S$790 and alan S$160.

April, i need u to return me the money by THIS WEEK,
i don't wish things to turn ugly.
i had 'remind' u for more than 3 weeks ago.
April $50.

wen xi, well, don't need me to remind u again right?
my mother have been asking me about it.
so pls return by THIS WEEK too.

cindy, yeah yeah, $79.
return me by THIS WEEK too.

to one of my ex, D**** **y *** **n.
i not sure if u still rem u asked me to lent u $80 to buy bags from online.
the bank stalement and the smses.
if u wish to deny it. well, then we will see wad u will get in return.
i hope u still rem it.
if not. seriously, u can fuck off and die for i care.
and bitch is not an insulting word.
so pls don't be a BITCH,

my final exam was over like a week ago.
i am so over the moon.
finally i can say goodbye to my ITE life.
although alot of things happened,
if not for all these incident, i guess i won't be me today.
i can shout out loud i never regret enter into ite.
i learned alot alot of thing.
these thing teaches me lot of lesson.

well i am disappointed with 3 friends in ite.
yes, damn disappointed.
it's not fun to 'create' such a joke with me.
don't ask me to book anything and cancel it in the very very last min. (A4)
don't act as if nothing happen when i asked what to do and try to change the subject. (J6)
don't shout as if i am your DOG. so what i forgot about u can't off on other weekday?
so are u trying to tell me i am a robot? it can't slip off my 'pea' brain for few mins?
if this is it, i should have done it long ago when u forgot to bring someone birthday card.(J4)
i seen the true color of it.

when u borrow $30 from me, i didn't ask u to return me the money like hell.
when i so called owe u $20, u chase me like as if it's gonna end of the world.
and becos of $20, u can't go on the trip.
in the end, someone scolded me as if i am at fault in everything. what the hell.

21st birthday
oh man, seriously i got to thank Miss Janis for the surprise chalet.
seriously thanks la.
well i really don't know how the hell u manage to get so many of my friends(i would say our friends) to come for it. haha, and yet, everyone told me they can't attend or they will be busy on my birthday. LOL
thanks la.
PLS send me the photos ASAP.
i was like damn nerd and shock.
don't ever post the photos and videos of my shocking and stupid reaction when i reached the chalet.
damn funny alright.
thanks janis's mum for helping to cook those food and prepare those BBQ stuff.
once again,
let me say it one more time.
seriously thanks. and i am damn touch to those friends who turn up and surprise me.

20th March 2009
it's my 21st birthday.
well there's change of plan, since birthday chalet was done,
i will be going overseas mostly to celebrate my birthday.
going genting with my big big family. (hope mum will be able to go)
all give me face. thanks.
going to KL visit relatives too.
to get hongbao for being 21yrs old.
and i wan to go LANGKAWI too!!!
i love the places there.
i wan to get close to nature, this beautiful Motherland.

and i will be going to taiwan before my NS.
yes, finally, again.
i love it.
and pls let me,
let me let me,
take a photo with Ariel Lin Yi Chen.
yes, she's cute and she can be pretty too.
jiayou yi chen,
get well soon. ^^

This guy here still thinking how to solve JJ's concert.
he's busy on that week, and mostly he can't go but there's the ticket lying on his bed,
trying to tempt him.
well what should he do>???

12:37 am

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I go blind when I look straight into the sun
I go deaf when I hear thunders on the run
But when I see you sleeping here beside me,
life's just begun
I can tell it to the whole world,
you're the one

I see your shadow cast on the wall when the sun shines
I hear you calling through the window when it rains
I tend to tremble when I start to think of just you and I
I don't know why, there's no reply

It doesn't matter what happens to the weather,
I'm shivering when I'm standing alone,
A storm is forming deep inside me,
A hurricane has got a life of it's own,
It's doesn't matter what happens to the weather,
Without you I'm just falling apart,
The snow is freezing all my senses,
When hail falls down,
Then it's already too late for heartbreak!

5:29 am

hello ♥

You are at lostinlovelife@BS.COM
If u wan me to respect u, than please repect me first (:
No Spamming please:D

Speak out love ♥

He's the one♥

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Alvin Tee is my name.
1yr older on 200388.
happily twenty.
enjoying his life ^_^!
ITE College East, Intergrated Logistics.
Enjoy Dancing in Club than Drinking in club!
will be the current LOVE in my life


18th Dec'08
Dance all the way to my heart!.
family & friends


  • friends'always be happy & smiles !
  • Perfect my dance moves(Learning in process)

  • Mitsubishi Evo-9/Lancer(After NS 'ORD')
  • New hairstyle(done)
  • Own a house before age 27

  • New Wallet(any kind soul?)

  • Have BETTER sense of FASHION(need help!)

  • Blast the Stereo.

    Please Do Not Remove Credits.